Mobile EKG / Electrocardiograph Services
Our services are accredited by the FDA and the ACR (American College of Radiology)
Lackawanna Mobile X-Ray Inc. provides mobile EKG / Electrocardiograph examinations with fast, accurate results, usually within 2 minutes of completing the test.
Our electrocardiograph is designed to provide consistently accurate diagnostic records with maximum definition and fidelity. It is both light weight and compact, and its internal nickel
-cadmium battery pack makes it ideal in emergencies, where AC power may be unavailable.
The computerized EKG / Electrocardiograph report will be reviewed by an internist, cardiologist, or patient's physician within 24 hours. The report will normally include a complete
interpretation: Heart Rate, Morphological and Rythm Analysis, PR Interval, QT, Corrected QT, QRS duration, and P-QRS-T Axis Measurement.
To ensure expediency, the report will then be personally delivered, mailed or faxed to your facility at your discretion, along with On-Line Reporting.

Learn more about the Lackawanna mobile EKG team here.
Experience the Best in Mobile X-Ray Services E-Mail or Call Us Today at 877-684-9729